Q2 2022 Financial Statistics

Q2 2022 Financial Statistics

Earlier this year I posted a blog on my analytics for my first quarter of operating as a business. I thought, here is the second quarter. If you wanted to check out the previous blog it’s available here. Unfortunately I’ve not currently ran the numbers on my profits, but hopefully at some point I’ll be able to show that.

Total Sales

For the first quarter of this year, I sold just under $46,000 in goods (note: this includes the shipping, taxes and refunds of orders removed). Comparing this to my last blog, it looks like I’ve had quite an increase in sales which makes sense why it’s felt so much busier this quarter.

Sales Breakdown

Here’s a deeper break down of the sales numbers providing an actual gross sales number of just under $42,000. Over $2,000 in discounts is a lot more than the last blog, but I assume that just comes with an increase in sales, these discounts are primarily from purchases coming from a few of the great Aussie community streamers that I’m very fortunate to work with to make this community a great place to be in. My returns (refunds) are very similar to last quarter which is nice. Future 0ldmate says next quarters returns have increased.

Average Order Value

An average order value of $132 has been on the rise! Slowly getting it higher and higher! One day perhaps I’ll have average order value above $150.

Sales by Traffic Source

When purchasing an item, Shopify tracks how you were directed to the site. As far as I know clicking a link from a Discord server counts as a direct traffic source.

Taking a more granular look into social sources - nothing much changed since last quarter.

New Stats!

Here are two other stats that I think are interesting. Here is my returning customer rate which I’m very proud of.

Here are the stats behind my marketing. I assume this is through emails that are sent via my email list.

Other Stats

Here’s some other stats I thought are interesting if compressed into this blog.


That’s another quarter done and dusted. Here’s to a better 3rd quarter! I’m glad it’s growing and hopefully it will continue to grow! Slowly I’m crawling my way to the green, not there yet, but hopefully at some point. Hope this was insightful, see you in the next one. Thanks for checking out this updated blog.

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